John Taylor Gatto: "The Essentials of Great Schools"
Strong experience with literacy. (writing and public speaking centered curriculum – let kids present in front of strangers regularly) Always write daily/regularly (the practice of doing it) Insight into the major institutional forms. Must know about courts, military, etc.. Knowing about the legislative, judicial, executive and know how to work around those processes. Understanding is key Repeated exercises in politeness and civility. This is the key to when you get older and getting ahead. Rudeness, sloppiness is not allowed. Independent work is always in private school. Public schools allows teachers to fill 80 to 90% of the student work. Private is 10% teachers and 90% on the students. Energetic sports are allowed on every campus and a physical presence is built around exercise, dancing, sports…a commanding physical presence is built doing this. Pain is dealt with here too. Theory of access to workplace and professional environments. Kids can see how ...
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